oyster's lounge

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Now is the only time

Time. That relative thing that we all have but never appreciate. Till it runs out. It seems like we have an endless supply, till the barrel runs dry. Then its too late. Another year is just about to give up the ghost, and I look back the last 355 days, ask myself  'what have I done these days to be proud of?'. Endless hours surfing the net instead of learning new skills, time spent watching those meaningless soaps that could have been utilized investing in my future. Resolutions made in January that didn't get past February. And I realize the only thing that's changed is my numerical age.

2012 is round the corner. I hope not to repeat the mistakes of this outgoing year. I fear I will, but I'll head into it with a new fervour to achieve more than I've done. Now is the only time. See you next year.